Generational Spending Habits: Who Spends The Most?
When looking at how the different generations spend money, it's important to consider the overall financial health of each group and how far their money can go.
Read MoreWhen looking at how the different generations spend money, it's important to consider the overall financial health of each group and how far their money can go.
Read MoreWhile credit card forgiveness exists, it's rare for a debt to be totally forgiven; instead, you'll likely need to explore alternatives, which we go over here.
Read MoreWhen shopping for a new car, it's prudent to do your homework, not only on price but also on some of the sneaky tactics dealers use to get you to spend more.
Read MorePGA Tour prize money skyrocketed in the early 2000s and continues to rise today. This said, it also takes a lot of money to compete on the pro circuit.
Read MoreIn the U.S., there are now over 225 live TV and on-demand streaming services, including YouTube TV. Here's what you need to know about it and the competition.
Read MoreAs the name suggests, a wealth killer is anything that derails efforts to grow your money and stay on a path toward achieving long-term financial goals.
Read MoreIn the news in recent years, the trading and investing app Robinhood started in 2013. Here's what you should know about its free stock offer for new accounts.
Read MoreMany factors influence the stock market, one being the news. And when it's bad news, such as a natural disaster, history tells us how the market often reacts.
Read MoreYou might have a collectible in your coin jar. According to the Fed, Americans have kept more than half of all coins out of circulation since the pandemic.
Read MoreTraveling doesn't have to be expensive, and as these budget destinations show, you can engage in cultural activities without breaking the bank.
Read MoreTo many, being frugal means pinching pennies, stretching dollars, and giving up your way of life. Here, we explain why frugality doesn't have to mean sacrifice.
Read MoreWhile you definitely want to keep an eye on your retirement accounts, it's not the same as checking your credit score or credit card statement. Here's why.
Read MoreThe only credit cards accepted at Costco are those that use the Visa network. One way to always have a card that works on hand is to get the Anywhere Visa.
Read MoreWhile counting cards isn't illegal, it's also not welcomed at any casino. The house is always on the lookout for these gamblers and this is how they find them.
Read MoreAccording to the IMF, in 2022, over half of the world's central banks were either exploring or developing their own CBDC, or central bank digital currency.
Read MoreFor homeowners looking to sell, the ROI of a home improvement project is often key. This particular upgrade is a simple one, and one that won't break the bank.
Read MoreConsolidating debt is one way to get out from under mounting debt. However, it's not a solution for everyone, nor does it magically wave your debt away.
Read MoreFor TJX-brand shoppers, a store credit card sounds practical. Yet, along with the perks, you should also weigh the consequences of taking on a new card.
Read MoreConsumers often get their first credit card in their name in college. Before you do, though, be aware of what it means to have (and use) a card of your own.
Read MoreYou've heard of the power of compounding interest, but growing your 401(k) plan to its full potential will depend on the rate of return you're able to secure.
Read MoreOnce you've reached your goal of saving $10,000, the next big decision concerns what to do with that money, and how to make the most of it going forward.
Read MoreHOA fees aren't optional; they're not membership fees you can opt out of. If you're considering an HOA property, here's what you need to know about payments.
Read MoreTransferring money has become simple as ever these days, but, depending on your method, you may incur considerable fees. Here are ways to minimize them.
Read MoreTo optimize your budget and your time when traveling, it's key to plan carefully and learn about common money mistakes -- so you don't make them yourself.
Read MoreSince 2009, the salary for members of the U.S. Congress has been $174,000. Still, this is but a fraction of the wealth of some senators and representatives.
Read MoreNot all debt is the same, nor should be your strategy for repayment. With student loans, a comparably low interest rate is just one factor to consider.
Read MoreIf you haven't yet gone paperless, then you likely have credit card statements around the home. Can you toss them? Before you do, be sure you won't need them.
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