You've Been Warned: Buying Costco's Signature Kirkland Brand On Amazon Will Cost You

Some members-only clubs get you into exclusive restaurants and entertainment options — but some get you two liters of private-label organic extra virgin olive oil for $26.99. A Costco membership gets you behind the velvet ropes of the hottest club on the private label scene, the cult-like in-house Costco brand, Kirkland Signature. Costco carries a full range of products under this house label. From paper towels to parmigiano reggiano, Kirkland Signature products inspire devotion and achieve savings for Costco members in equal measure. The Kirkland Signature brand name has built quite the reputation for itself, largely built on consumer confidence in Costco's seal of approval. The brand's popularity continues to grow, so much so that resellers on Amazon have started to take notice.

In fact, there has been an uptick in third-party sellers slinging Kirkland Signature products on Amazon, and while the practice isn't exactly illegal, it can be fairly expensive. For those that are not yet card-carrying Costco members, paying for certain Kirkland Signature items via Amazon — rather than paying for an annual Costco membership — might seem like a tempting alternative. Plus, snapping up limited edition or even seasonal Kirkland Signature items that are no longer sold through Costco stores could also be a clever way to ensure you never miss out on a particularly special item. However, the considerable markup that Amazon resellers place on some Kirkland Signature products might have you considering an annual membership after all.

Why Kirkland Signature products are sold on Amazon

Costco doesn't officially sell any of its Kirkland Signature products on Amazon. This means you won't find a "Kirkland Signature" store hub on Amazon, but instead will see some version of "Kirkland" listed as the item brand on Amazon. This is because third-party sellers specifically dealing in Kirkland Signature products buy their products directly from Costco before turning around and selling these products online at a higher price than they initially paid. These resellers are engaging in something known as retail arbitrage and ultimately hope to turn a profit from the tactic. Kirkland Signature is not the only brand affected by these third-party sellers, meaning consumers should be wary or finding certain brands — like Birkenstocks, for instance — on Amazon.

Many sellers insist that since Costco is a wholesaler, the practice of buying products to resell online is above board. However, while Costco can technically act as a wholesaler for its Business Membership holders, meaning that those customers can purchase goods intended for resale, Costco is technically a retailer for the average Costco member. Costco's bulk buying power allows the company to pass savings on to their customers, at discounts deep enough that prices can be similar to wholesale — but does not technically function as a wholesaler to average consumers. Another consideration for would-be buyers is that Kirkland Signature items purchased through Amazon are generally not eligible for Costco's return policies or customer support.

Amazon listing downsides

While eagle-eyed Amazon shoppers can occasionally score Kirkland Signature products for roughly the same price as in-store Costco prices, many Amazon listed prices for Kirkland Signature products can vary significantly. For example, a 120-pack of Kirkland Signature Pacific Bold dark roast coffee pods costs $39.99 through Costco's website, but $51.99 through Amazon. Remember those two liters of Kirkland Signature organic extra virgin olive oil for $26.99? The price jumps to $35.99 on Amazon. A 72-count box of Kirkland Signature grain-free, gluten-free doggie dental chews runs $36.99 through Costco's website, and $42.45 through Amazon. It's also worth mentioning that many of Costco's items have even lower prices in-warehouse than they do on the Costco website.

In addition to price differentials, there can also be issues with expiration dates and overall quality control when it comes to Kirkland Signature products sold through Amazon. Buyers should also be aware of the fact that, while some resellers might have top marks when it comes to quality, others don't. With that said, the risk might be worth the reward for some. For instance, there are technically still three states without a Costco location, and single people – or perhaps even dual income no kids (DINKS) might not think they can justify an annual membership. Another thing to consider is just how many big changes are coming to Costco in 2025. Whatever the reason, consider sharing a Costco membership with a friend or even paying a coworker to pick up certain items for you on their next trip before hopping on Amazon.
