Senior Discounts You Can Start Using In Your 50s

One of the perks of a long life, or at least getting to half a century in age, is the potential for senior discounts. While the official age required to be considered a senior citizen is usually in the 62-65 range, some discounts kick in as young as 50 years old. While it might feel weird taking advantage of these discounts in your 50s, you might reconsider when you realize that a 2024 survey from Schroders found that only 14% of Gen Xers believe they already had enough saved for retirement. To complicate matters, 54% of the Gen Xers surveyed weren't confident they would have enough to make it through their retirement years, believing they would need over $1 million in savings in order to retire. Keep in mind that exactly how much money you should have at 50 in order to successfully set up your retirement is less than that amount.

Logically speaking, any senior discount you can access in your 50s that allows you to save or invest more towards your retirement is a good thing. One of the worst financial mistakes people in their 50s can make is thinking they are doomed to work forever, so while taking advantage of seniors discounts in your 50s won't necessarily make you wealthy, they can offer you a small way to put more into your retirement. 

Dining out in your 50s

We start every day with breakfast, so let's begin with Krispy Kreme's 10% off offer that begins when you turn 50. Or, if you prefer Dunkin' Donuts instead, they offer a 10% discount to customers who are 55 or older. If you're looking for a sit down option, despite the fact this iconic dining chain is currently closing dozens of locations, Denny's can be a great place to find a diner style breakfast or lunch with 15% off for AARP members, and a 55+ senior menu. If you've been asking whether AARP perks are worth the membership or not, in this case, they certainly don't hurt. 

In terms of fast food, Jack in the Box is a good option with a 20% off discount for diners 55 years and older. However, make sure your preferred location actually participates in this discount before ordering. Similarly, Steak 'n Shake offers senior discounts of 10% for those aged 50 and older.

Retail discounts for those in their 50s

There are also plenty of retail discounts to take advantage of in your 50s. While Walgreens is potentially shutting down even more locations, it also happens to have senior discounts that begin at age 55. We think their 20% discount on eligible items is a pretty impressive deal, even if it only happens once a month — the first Tuesday of each month to be more specific — on Senior's Day. Craft retailer, Michael's, similarly offers a senior discount, with 10% off everything sold in the store if you're 55 years old or older. 

As shipping prices continue to increase, you might also be excited to learn of a way to save money on packages. If you've ever had to send a package across the country and wondered if UPS was cheaper than FedEx, so long as you have an AARP membership, the answer is more than likely the former. An AARP membership includes 15% off certain products and services, plus 5% off international and domestic shipping costs with UPS.
