The 11 Easiest Ways To Make Extra Cash In Under One Hour

There's no get rich quick scheme out there that doesn't involve a bit of graft and dubiousness. Finding "easy money" isn't all it's cracked up to be (unless that's fringe benefits like a 401(k) match program at the office), but there are ways in which a savvy consumer can find sources of additional cash without major effort. A side hustle is often a good option, and some don't require you to engage with a business or individual as if you were working a true second job. From working through online platforms like Upwork or Fiverr to seeking out simple finance-boosting options in your own back yard, there's plenty to help boost your budget in an hour or less.

An extra gig on the side that brings in a bit of cash isn't likely to transform your finances in any substantial way. But the addition of a simple strategy to make a bit of extra cash can add to your ability to save for emergencies, cover a lunch out with friends every week, or tackle a bill or two. This kind of extra income will help ease the pressure if the current economic landscape has created too much stress. These aren't second jobs, rather, they offer an easy inroad to creating a bit of a financial buffer for yourself. Need some extra cash in under an hour? These are a selection of the easiest avenues to pursue if you're looking for a quick option to buoy your bank account.

Engage in focus groups or fill out online surveys

One of the easiest ways to start earning cash in a hurry is to sign up as a survey taker or participant in focus group research. Companies all across the country (and the world) are consistently looking for study participants to help them better understand their products and services, marketing strategies, and more. All manner of business practices factor into these kinds of money making opportunities as brands look for countless ways to improve on their overall strategy.

Market research that focuses on consumer habits can be particularly lucrative for survey participants and focus group members. Signing up to give your opinions on broad market topics and spending habits won't require anything other than your honest perspective. All you have to do is give your opinion about whatever it might be that a business is interested in today, and for this service you'll end up walking away with a check. Better still, focus groups and surveys can be conducted totally online, meaning your participation won't even require you to make your way to a physical location. You can participate from the comfort of your own home and earn money doing it. Filling out an online survey or two in the evenings while sitting on the couch and relaxing can be a solid way to add a bit of extra cash to your wallet on a consistent basis without having to alter your overall schedule.

Work as a virtual assistant or manage a small business' social media presence

Virtual assistant jobs are often a little more involved than simple gig opportunities. Even so, people all across the business spectrum require part time help on a regular basis. It's possible to find a fairly low-intensity virtual assistant role that will have you managing a few small-scale tasks here and there throughout the week. In some cases, this might take on a sort of permanence in your daily routine, but other virtual assistant jobs may be incredibly flexible.

Another option is to approach small businesses in your local community or online in an effort to help them manage their social media presence. A curated digital footprint is hugely important in the modern marketplace. eCommerce has become a gigantic source of revenue, even for local businesses and those focused on sales through traditional brick and mortar assets — over 20% of all global retail sales in 2024. Maintaining a strong digital presence helps drive business both to a digital storefront and to the physical location itself. Even so, many businesses fail to fully capitalize on their digital signature or don't participate in things like social media marketing at all. For those who are tech savvy and spend a lot of time perusing their own social media accounts across various platforms, adding the management of a business that you like isn't a big task but can bring in a healthy stream of new income.

Participate in quality control efforts as a mystery shopper

Mystery shoppers are a key part of the quality control arm of the business landscape. Large and small companies alike rely on secret shoppers to provide feedback on how businesses are serving their customers and offer key insights into how they can improve. These individuals sign up to inspect physical stores in their area. They'll go into the shop and wander around, taking notice of the employee interactions with customers, including themselves. They'll also check out how the shelves are stocked, pricing competitiveness, and more. Mystery shoppers provide a fundamental element of feedback that helps businesses maintain their professionalism and high quality.

Virtually anyone can sign up to become a mystery shopper, and the task involves relatively basic functions. Indeed, nearly every consumer in the modern marketplace goes into physical stores on a routine basis to buy groceries, clothes, and all kinds of other goods, so plenty of people will find that they're a natural in this role. The only difference is that you'll be wandering around the store and getting paid to browse its shelves and aisles rather than hunting for good on your own dime.

Spend some time as a tutor

For those who want to earn a few extra bucks while giving back to those in their community, tutoring can be a wonderful opportunity to earn some cash and help a struggling student at the same time. Depending on your interests and level of expertise in certain subjects, there are a variety of tutoring roles that may be available to you. Just about anyone with a high school education can offer tutoring services in English, geography, or math to an elementary school student, for instance. Offering to help a neighborhood kid get through their homework might be a great way to assist a parent and child in need in your local community while adding a few extra dollars to your bottom line. Of course, more niche skills like calculus, trigonometry, chemistry might require more specialized knowledge, but tutoring in these areas can net a higher payout rate as a result of the more demanding skillset.

It's also possible to engage in tutoring services through online channels. Working remotely as a tutor gives you access to a much wider pool of interested clients. Rather than tutoring only neighborhood students in a small client pool, you can lend your services to students anywhere in the world at the click of a button. However, online tutoring generally requires a connection through some kind of third party service, and this may ultimately cut into the money you stand to make as a result.

Teach English through an online classroom

Another opportunity for those looking to help students gain critical skills comes in the form of English language instruction. With a simple TEFL certificate, available through a wide range of online training institutions for rock bottom prices, you'll quickly find yourself certified to teach foreign language students seeking to add English to the repertoire or improve an existing baseline knowledge. Young students all over the world study English as a second language, and a great many of them look to additional support structures to rapidly improve their comprehension and speech beyond the primary classroom they study it. In particular, students in China and Asia more broadly are champing at the bit to tackle extra online learning opportunities when it comes to English language education. Many years ago, while I worked as a teacher in the Middle East, I found myself personally involved in extra classes teaching English to Taiwanese students through an online learning portal. The experience was overwhelmingly positive, the work was fairly straightforward for me, and it provided a critical service to the students I worked with.

Rates can vary greatly among online teaching classrooms, but the desire is certainly there for students all over the world and as a native English speaker you can provide a valuable service that many people are willing to pay for. Class length, skill level, and nuance can vary dramatically, so there is a teaching opportunity out there for just about anyone.

Sell unused belongings

Anyone who has collected Pokémon cards, sports memorabilia, or antiques knows the value of selling rare items. All sorts of things hold value, and if you're in need of a cash infusion you might consider selling some of your unused belongings. If you're an avid golfer who follows the PGA Tour, for instance, you might have more than one complete set of golf clubs. Selling your old sticks might not net nearly as much as they cost you, but since they're just sitting in the garage or attic collecting dust, they're worth far more listed on eBay than getting no time on the course. Moreover, because new golf equipment is released on an annual basis across every major manufacturer's catalog, the longer you wait to sell your gear the less valuable it will be to your wallet.

The good news is that nearly anything you don't use can potentially offer value to someone else. Any kind of collectible item or otherwise might hold enough value for you to consider listing it on eBay or elsewhere. Anything you no longer need, want, or use can be a solid candidate for resale. This is especially valuable for someone cleaning out the garage or storage unit. Rather than throwing away stuff you no longer need, give it a second life and list it for sale. You'll take home a little extra cash and someone else will prolong the life of these items.

Sign up to work as a dog walker

Walking dogs is a great way to infuse your bank account. More than 65 million American households include at least one dog, and chances are there's a huge variety of canine pets living in your neighborhood and wider community. People all across America have great plans to walk their dogs to get them out of the house on a daily basis. But life often gets in the way, and it minimizes the free time that people have available. Walking the dog can easily get pushed to the side. As a remedy to this problem, dog walking services have become huge businesses in the modern marketplace. Professional dog walkers spend all day wandering around their community with a pack of furry friends with high-end earners making upwards of $100,000 per year. You're not likely to achieve this kind of added income by walking dogs on the side, but a steady trickle of cash can certainly be earned.

Walking dogs in your area doesn't have to take up much of your time, and in certain circumstances you may be able to walk more than one dog simultaneously, multiplying your income potential without changing your committed time. Working as a dog walker can also be quite enjoyable. Dogs are routinely some of the happiest creatures around, and spending a bit of time in their company and out in the fresh air can put a smile on your face and well-earned dollars in your wallet.

Take up blogging or start creating video content about your life or hobbies

Writing about your experiences or hobbies or creating video content that chronicles the things you get up to in daily life can be a solid source of additional income. Blogging or starting a YouTube channel gives you access to a community of like-minded people who share in your interests or might be able to learn from your examples. In today's modern society, all manner of hobbies and experiences can provide a valuable baseline to launch a digital presence around. If you're a scuba diver, you might consider writing or speaking about dive sites you experienced as well as those on your bucket list. Those who grew up playing a sport like football or baseball might think about creating content that helps others improve their skills on the field.

For many who launch blogs or video content channels, ad revenue is the main focus. The larger your audience the more you can expect to earn from advertising. It's worth noting that building a consistent and substantial flow of additional income through ad revenue can take quite a long time to achieve. However, spending a short amount of time on a consistent basis to build your brand and channel can be a lucrative way to spend some of your free time and it doesn't have to take over your entire life to generate a notable boost to your finances.

Donate plasma

Americans across the country routinely donate blood to help others in desperate need. Another donation that you can make involves roughly the same sort of commitment but comes with an attached financial incentive. Donating plasma is quite similar to offering your blood. Plasma is a crucial asset involved in the clotting process and healing more broadly. People who are going into surgery or who have come into the hospital after an accident might need plasma as well as blood, but this additional creation that lives within your body is far less understood by the general public.

Donating plasma can be done on a regular basis in the same way that blood donation works. Every few weeks you can offer up your arm to the nurses at your local clinic in exchange for a bit of extra cash. Some blood banks offer up to $75 for a plasma donation with the potential for additional bonuses for your first time. Donating plasma isn't something that will alter the course of your life physically, but it might just save someone else in an emergency. Providing this essential service is therefore not only a great civic opportunity but one that can get you paid as well.

Work as an editor, proofreader, or even consider training AI models

In the same way that writing or otherwise creating content can be a lucrative use of your free time, editing or proofreading other people's creations can also be valuable. This is another task that you can take on from anywhere in the world while editing videos or documents created by people located in literally any other place. The internet allows for the transmission of information focused on virtually anything you might want to know, and this has created the need to both write and edit content of all sorts. As is the case with blogging or video creation, taking on a proofreading or editorial rule will often be done in your free time and without a set schedule or commitment.

Another option for those looking to engage in a freelance relationship that focuses on editorial work is AI training. Companies working in the AI space are constantly looking for people to help them work out bugs in the system. AI models are imperfect creations that constantly get things wrong while framing their output as if it were factual (called hallucinations). Companies seek skilled writers, editors, and even coders to help them work out these kinks. Training an AI system can be another great option for someone looking to make easy extra cash.

Start actively managing your investment portfolio

Finally, there's no getting around the value that an actively managed portfolio can provide. As an investor, it's crucial that you routinely engage in rebalancing efforts and research new investment opportunities. For those looking to generate a bit of extra cash, it might be a good idea to utilize some of your investment capital to manage your portfolio a little more aggressively and actively. If you are someone who can engage in day trading (for starters, you'll need more than $25,000 invested in your stock portfolio) then this could be a decent opportunity to generate a bit of extra cash. Day trading isn't the same as investing for the long-term and it shouldn't be undertaken lightly by those who have never performed it before.

But, if you're ready to take on the risks and learn this new craft, buying and selling assets in a much shorter trading window (perhaps even within the same minute) can net you significant profits if you're diligent and patient. To get started here, you'll want to ramp up the amount of time you spend researching assets you already own as well as new investment options. Every second is a race to find the best value when you're day trading, so the more information you have available the better your odds of success will become. For skilled pattern explorers and market analysts, day trading can be achieved successfully during your lunch break. Of course, there's no guarantee you'll make money.
