Items Frugal People Buy In September

Even though the astronomical summer season doesn't officially end until late-September, the Labor Day holiday sure feels like the end of a fun summer. And just like the spring is a great time to snag a bargain TV, the month of September is ideal for frugal types to purchase certain types of products.

The first casualty of the transition to cooler weather will be summertime clothing. Expect to see retailers slash pricing on items like shorts, swimsuits, and sandals. Similarly, outdoor items like pool toys, bicycles, and barbecue grills will also be put on end-of-season sale. Obviously, the September deals on warm weather gear won't be as good, or perhaps not at all, in places like Florida that stay relatively hot year-round.

September can also be a great time to score a deal on an Apple iPhone. That's because the brand traditionally introduces new models at its September launch event. If you can tolerate not having the absolute latest tech, the previous model(s) will likely be discounted by both retailers and Apple itself via the brand's online store. You might not have bragging rights of owning the newest model, but you'll still be getting a brand-new, highly capable iPhone that will be supported for years to come — all while saving money.

September is when to scour deals for your home

If you're looking for more substantial computing power than a new phone, know that September is also a good time to buy a new laptop or desktop computer for the home and/or office. That's because retailers at this time of year will be pushing "back to school" sales targeted at equipping students with what they need to learn effectively, including tech products. You'll also find discount prices on more rudimentary school supplies, such as backpacks, notebooks, and pens, as the school year begins.

Further, if you have dreams of a new suite of kitchen appliances, do as frugal shoppers do and keep your eyes peeled for aggressive Labor Day sales. As with other summer holidays like Memorial Day and the Fourth of July, retailers will often turn a three-day weekend into a sales extravaganza lasting for one week or more. Big appliances like refrigerators, cooking ranges, washers, and dryers are all staples of Labor Day sales.

When appliance shopping, you'll want to compare deals from home improvement stores, but also electronics stores (like Best Buy), as well as online vendors. Ditto for both portable and window air conditioners, which may not only be lumped into appliance sales, but also going out of season in large segments of the country.

Is there anything to avoid buying in September?

Remember how we said that back-to-school sales offered discounts on computers. While that's true, the very best deals might come along a few months later during Black Friday (by the way, how much do Americans spend on Black Friday, anyway?), Cyber Monday, and really the entire time between November and early-January. If your current machine is on its last leg, August and September sales present a good entry point but if you can wait a little longer, it could be worthwhile.

Also, frugal shoppers will tell you that you'll want to avoid being an early bird to buy fall-themed and holiday decorations. It seems like Halloween and Christmas merchandise is displayed in stores earlier with each passing year, but true bargain-hunters wait until just a short time before the actual holiday rolls around to make their purchases; that's when retailers start heavily marking down these seasonal items to clear their shelves. That same logic can apply to warmer clothing, like sweaters and jackets, which will be priced at a premium when new styles are first displayed at the beginning of cooler weather.
